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Since Chimpy uses Selenium, you get the benefit of using all of the cloud based testing services.
Here is a sample command that you could use to setup a connection with Sauce Labs:
chimpy --host="ondemand.saucelabs.com" --port=80 --key="SAUCE_KEY"
--user="SAUCE_USER" --name="foo"
You can also put these settings in a configuration file like this:
module.exports = {
user: "SAUCE_USER",
key: "SAUCE_KEY",
port: 80,
host: "ondemand.saucelabs.com",
name: "foo"
See the Configuration page for more details on setting up a configuration file.
Browser Stack Example
module.exports = {
user: "My Browserstack Username",
key: "My Browserstack Access Key",
port: 80,
host: "hub-cloud.browserstack.com",
browser: "Chrome",
// - - - - WEBDRIVER-IO - - - -
webdriverio: {
desiredCapabilities: {
'browserstack.local': true,
'build': 'My Build',
'project': 'My Project Name',
'os' : 'Windows',
'os_version' : '7'
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Checkout Xolv.io’s new Quality Faster guide where you can learn how to can bake quality in across the full stack using React, Node.JS, Jest, Meteor and more.