
To test using multiple browsers you need to use environment variable like so:


This will expose the browser instances in global browser.instances variable. There are different ways of using this, but here is some code example for inspiration:

var browsers;

this.Before(function() {
  browsers = {
    Alice: browser.instances[0],
    Bob: browser.instances[1]

this.Given(/^([^ ]*) go(?:es)? to "([^"]*)"$/, function (person, relativePath) {
  getBrowserFor(person).url(url.resolve(process.env.ROOT_URL, relativePath));

this.Then(/^([^ ]*) sees? "([^"]*)" label$/, function (person, label) {
  var _labelSelector = "//*//label[text()='" + label + "']";

function getBrowserFor(person) {
  return (person === 'Both') ? browser : browsers[person];

Then you can use Bob and Alice in your .feature files:

  Scenario: Login into the system
    Given Both go to "/"
    Then Alice sees "Very nice" label
    And Bob sees "Very nice" label

In production code you’d probably want to make the browsers variable global and expose it to your step definitions.